Moonstone Healing Properties
Chakra: Sacral, Third-Eye, Crown
Vibration: 4
Astrological Sign: Libra
Moonstone Healing Properties:
- A stone for hoping and wishing
- Allows one to absorb that which is needed from the universal energies
- Helps one to recognize the "ups and downs" and to gracefully acknowledge the changing cycles
- Assists in sustaining and maintaining, and understanding the destiny one has chosen
- Bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to accessibility
- A stone for "feeling", and understanding via intuition and emotional "thoughts" vs. intellectual reasoning
- Brings flashes of insight, removing the possibility of neglecting what one gained from an experience
- Stimulates intuitive recognition and helps one to apply the intuitive knowledge
- Enhances perception and discernment
- Allows decisions to be made painlessly when it furthers ones development
- Used to alleviate emotional tension
- Enhances the positive attributes of creativity and self-expression
- Cleanses negativity from the chakras
- Enhances the feminine aspects of one's nature
- Provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance and a loving compassion to further assist through all changes
- Stimulates confidence and composure
- Allows one to understand that there is no situation so difficult that it cannot be countered with diplomacy
- Sustains and supports while promoting growth and supplementing energy
- Provides connection between the physical, emotion, and intellectual bodies
- Moves forward advancement and diminishes obstacles in the path leading to one's progression
- The removal of obstacles usually occurs with the release and/or integration of the obstacle
- Assists in the total fulfillment of one's destiny
- Provides guidance about the most effective procedural steps available to facilitate the attainment of the desired end result
- Called the "traveler's stone", it is used for protection against the perils of travel
- A talisman of good fortune
- Said to bring tenderness within the self, and to bring happiness to the environment in which it resides
- Brings calmness coupled with awareness
- Attunes to the normal rhythms of the biological forces of one's body in a way that helps to maximize, recognize, and utilize the natural energy cycles of the body