About Golden Healer Quartz
Astrological Sign(s)
Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and All
Golden Healer Quartz Metaphysical Properties
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Golden Quartz can enable healing at all levels. Golden Quartz is excellent for assisting spiritual communication over a long distance, in particular enabling communication between worlds. Quartz is an excellent stone for psychic healing. It can assist in balancing all chakras, aligning subtle bodies and is great for assisting meditation and spiritual communication. It is also a great stone for protecting the aura and enhancing psychic abilities. It absorbs all negative energy of all kinds including radiation and electromagnetic smog.
These amazing double terminated points are made from high quality gemstones. They measure approximately 39.5mm from point to point. These points are great for energy work and using in grids.
Made with love, light, and positive energy, cleansed and Reiki applied before we ship out to you. Crystals are intuitively chosen for you.
Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and All
- Used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds
- Incites healing on all levels
- An excellent stone for use in all healing situations
- Promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders
I enjoyed the deck of cards but I fine the Lil book is hard to read because of the sm print
Absolutely loved the earrings. Got amethyst and rose quartz ones. So pretty, elegant and of course, it’s crystals! However, beware that within time (I ordered mine like 3 months ago) the metal part came off.
Was purchased for my roommate and she loved it. The woman working the counter was very knowledgeable and helped me pick it out.
This was a Christmas gift for our Granddaughter, and she was so happy that we chose this one for her, she loves it.
These gift cards were gifts for my daughters. They both love them. No to sure if they shopped yet.