Peacock Ore Healing Properties
Chakra: All
Vibration: 2,4
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Peacock Ore Healing Properties:
- Facilitate the synthesis of the chakras
- Useful in the individual activation of the chakras
- Can bring freshness and newness to ones life
- Stimulates the inner spirit to seek further heights
- Helps to give the ability to enjoy happiness in the moment
- Excellent stone for use during activities of rebirthing
- Helps to integrate and to unite the existing separation of the emotions with the intellect
- Helps to release that which is no longer useful
- Promotes insight into the aspects of grief and relief
- Allows one to recognize and accept differences
- A "stone of happiness", providing a message that life is truly joyful to experience
- Assists one in recognizing that there's no need be lacking in any aspect of life since one is the image of the creation, now and for all times
- Protects one from negative energy bombardment
- Assists one in the recognition of the source of negativity
- Provides for insight to the obstacles that block ones progression toward a specific goal
- Furthers awareness of the avenues available for use to achieve a goal
- Produces an energy similar to the energy of alignment
- Emits a circular energy which returns to itself; upon the return, it transforms any negative forces, which have been gathered, into pure beneficial energy
- When the energy of peacock ore (bornite) is applied to a part of the body, it affects the remaining portions
- Excellent healing stone
- Used to assist in the building of the physical body