Apophyllite Healing Properties

Chakra: Heart

Vibration: 4

Astrological Sign: Libra, Gemini

Apophyllite Healing Properties:

  • Used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm
  • Facilitates attunement to ones body as well as to the higher dimensional life forms
  • Allows one to both recognize and act upon the truth in all situations
  • Enhances mindful analysis, tinged with universal love, and helps one to realize that the state of perfection is the natural state of being
  • Used to facilitate astral travel and to provide a clear and definite connection to the physical body during the travel
  • Helps one to remain totally conscious while experiencing the activities of astral travel (e.g., access to akashic records, exchange of communication with those of the spirit world, and past-life experiences)
  • Produces a reflective aspect to allow for the recognition of ones behavior/attitudes
  • Encourage one to seek, to recognize, and to correct deficiencies
  • Allows one to see into the future - this is facilitated when one looks sideways into the crystal; it is similar in action to the art of "gazing"
  • Natural apophyllite pyramids have been used successfully for enhanced energy stimulation and as an elixir to bring "light" and energy to ones being and love to one's heart
  • Can also be used to charge objects and to preserve
  • Stimulates ones intuitive vision
  • Green apophyllite has also been used to activate the heart chakra and to provide energy and forthright-ness in decisions of the heart
  • Allows one to absorb the energies one needs from the universal supply of perfect energy. It stimulates a joyful glee
  • Has been used in fire-walking, to help one to hold the meditative state and, after the "walk", it has been used to provide a cool clear energy surrounding the feet
  • Green crystals have been used to facilitate the removal of unwanted historical and present day energy/control implants
  • Maintains the energy necessary to assist in the actions required for preservation and rejuvenation