Astrology 101: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Birth Chart

This introductory workshop demystifies the basics of astrology, helping you interpret your natal chart and gain profound insights into your personality, strengths, challenges, and life patterns.

About this experience

In person and online attendance available. Free for White Light Collective members.

Your birth chart is a cosmic blueprint, a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born. This introductory workshop demystifies the basics of astrology, helping you interpret your natal chart and gain profound insights into your personality, strengths, challenges, and life patterns.

What will be covered:

  • The Building Blocks of Astrology: Learn about the zodiac signs, planets, houses, and aspects and how they interact.
  • Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs: Explore the core components of your personality and their influence.
  • Understanding Your Natal Chart: Learn to identify key placements in your birth chart and their significance.
  • Astrology for Personal Growth: Discover how astrology can illuminate your strengths, potential blind spots, and offer guidance for self-understanding.

Note: Participants are encouraged to have their birth information (date, time, and location) for a personalized experience.

What's Included:

  • A deep dive into the basics of natal chart interpretation
  • Informative workbook with exercises to apply your astrological knowledge
  • Personalized insights into your unique cosmic blueprint 

Your Host

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Hello! I'm Mo, creator of Moonbeam Healing.

I'm on a lifelong journey of spiritual healing and growth. As a forever learner, I'm a shamanic apprentice, Level II Reiki practitioner, and certified Mindfulness Life Coach, Shamanic Life Coach, and REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy) Mindfulness Coach. I created Moonbeam Healing as a space to foster spiritual connectedness, community, and our innate ability to harness universal energy.

As a child, I suffered severe trauma, but through deep healing work, I've overcome those experiences and my cPTSD. Today, I thrive, continuously manifesting my ideal life. My deepest desire is to share my story, journey, and wisdom to inspire and empower others to do the same.