Introduction to Crystals: Discover Their Healing and Manifestation Powers

Explore the fascinating world of crystals, learn about their diverse properties, and discover practical ways to harness their energy for greater well-being.

About this experience

In person and online attendance available. Free for White Light Collective members.

Crystals are more than just beautiful objects; they hold unique energies and vibrations that can support healing, personal growth, and manifestation. In this introductory workshop, you'll explore the fascinating world of crystals, learn about their diverse properties, and discover practical ways to harness their energy for greater well-being.

What will be covered:

  • Crystal Basics: Learn how crystals form, their different structures, and how to choose the right crystals for you.
  • Common Crystal Properties: Explore the healing and metaphysical properties associated with popular crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, and more.
  • Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals: Discover techniques to cleanse, charge, and program your crystals for optimal use.
  • Crystal Healing Practices: Learn simple ways to use crystals for physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
  • Manifesting with Crystals: Understand how to use crystals to amplify your intentions and attract your desires.

What's Included:

  • A foundational understanding of crystals and their transformative energy
  • A detailed workbook to serve as your crystal reference guide
  • Tools and techniques to unlock the healing and manifestation potential of crystals

Your Host

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Hello! I'm Mo, creator of Moonbeam Healing.

I'm on a lifelong journey of spiritual healing and growth. As a forever learner, I'm a shamanic apprentice, Level II Reiki practitioner, and certified Mindfulness Life Coach, Shamanic Life Coach, and REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy) Mindfulness Coach. I created Moonbeam Healing as a space to foster spiritual connectedness, community, and our innate ability to harness universal energy.

As a child, I suffered severe trauma, but through deep healing work, I've overcome those experiences and my cPTSD. Today, I thrive, continuously manifesting my ideal life. My deepest desire is to share my story, journey, and wisdom to inspire and empower others to do the same.